Community Investment Program (Sponsorships)

Please note:

The provincial election is scheduled to take place this Fall. Under The Election Act, 1996, CIC's ability to provide sponsorships is limited during the period from July 3 to October 28, 2024 (inclusive).

CIC supports Saskatchewan people and communities through our Community Investment Program.  We consider sponsorship of non-profit or charitable events that benefit Saskatchewan. 

Key Areas of Support
Your activity or event should target at least one of the key areas:

- Entrepreneurial and employment developmentCommunity Investment Policy Areas of Focus
- Education and innovation
- Activities and projects that benefit:

  • development of children and youth
  • Indigenous peoples
  • diversity groups
  • women in non-traditional roles
  • emerging health and social needs, and
  • arts and cultural development

Sponsorship Criteria

Your proposal should address the following criteria:

  • Aligned with CIC’s key areas of support,
  • Be Saskatchewan-based,
  • Support Not-for-profit or charitable entities,
  • Benefit Province-wide, rather than one location if possible; and
  • Recognize CIC’s contribution

Proposal Content

Your application should be in writing and received at least 60 days in advance.  Include the following information:

  • Who is requesting the sponsorship?
    • ​​the name of the group or event, address, and contact information
  • What type of event are you planning?
    • a detailed summary of the event or activity, and the benefits
  • How many people are expected to attend?
  • What amount and type of funding are you requesting?
    • financial support, in-kind support, and/or raffle items
  • What are the expenses for your event?
    • provide a detailed budget summarizing the costs of the event or activity
  • Who else is funding this event?
    • list of sponsors - include other Crown corporations and the Government of Saskatchewan
  • ​​​​​What will you do with excess funds after the event costs are paid?
  • What recognition will CIC receive with its sponsorship?

Send Your Application To:

Executive Director, Communications & Community Relations
Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan
400 - 2400 College Avenue
Regina, Sask.  S4P 1C8
Phone: (306) 787-5889

List of Activities This Program Is Unable To Support

  • political parties or activities, candidates, or lobby groups;
  • religious institutions;
  • profiting by the event organizers or third-party fundraisers;
  • events held outside Saskatchewan;
  • annual general meetings;
  • events receiving substantial support from Crown corporations and/or government entities;
  • travel, hotel, and other expenses for out-of-province events;
  • sports teams, music groups, service clubs, graduations;
  • buying copy space for ads or publications or video productions; and
  • research, capital or operating expenses.